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Did you know? You have a "dice" in your ankle?

Roman soldiers used the talus bones of horses as dice when playing games. The talus bone is important; it acts as a gyroscope for the body. How your talus is positioned in your foot can determine how you move as a whole.

It also has no muscle or tendon attachments. Really unusually, only ligaments attach the talus to the lower limb and the foot.

Ever sprained your ankle?

We all know that feeling of slipping off a kerb, or "rolling your ankle" on an uneven surface, not to mention, sports. The ligaments that really get stretched and unhappy are the anterior talo fibular and posterior talofibular ligament. Both of these can pull the talus out of position by as little 2° or as much as 8°. Rotating the talus bone onwards and giving you flat feet!

The thing is, it's not usual to have your ankle re-aligned after spraining. We opt for a bit of ice and elevation. Can you imagine the millions of sprained ankles walking around the planet that are in desperate need of some tender loving care.

Tip #1 - The Bowen Technique Ankle Re-Alignment.

Just 3 quick moves and a trained, controlled alignment through the ankle joint can erase your problems and help everything above it too.

Did you know that when you pull your talo-fibular ligament - it affects

How you move your neck

Your hamstrings

Your keystone of the back - the sacrum.

By putting in some new neuro-signalling and input - you can re-establish a normal pattern and a stronger ankle that won't re-injure. The power of Bowen.

Tip #2 - Weirdly - Apple Cider Vinegar.

Rest, ice and elevation has been the mantra for swelling and pain since, well, forever. For the last 30 years from a Sport Science perspective. The natural inflammation and blood supply needs to be kept in the area so it can supply a soup of chemical helpers to repair the micro tearing of ligaments and local tissue.

The wonderful Judith Watson, for the first time EVER in the world. created a sporty gel to apply to sprained ankles - with lovely results. No more stinky feet in the quest for recovery.

You can buy your ACV Gel here and become one of the unique " in the know" people. Useful for most bruising and sprains / strains. Jack and Jill went up the hill trusted this too!

"ACV Gel has been a game changer in injury recovery"

Tip #3 - Try this taping method.

Try this taping method to go back to sport quicker. This methods involves only one piece of tape and created with a true intuition and knowledge of anatomy. Quick to apply, and fully supports how your talus mobilises and assists "pronation / supanation" of the foot. I'm proud of this one.

As a sport scientist, I'm always working to find solutions that you can go "Ta-Da" with and wow your friends and family. This is one of my flagships for rehab.

Pass the torch with this one. To know what it is... and change your clinic. Pop me a message on

Tip #4 - Know what is happening.

Recognising the signs of a long term ankle problem. Try a quick body scan. The talus is literally holding the whole weight of your body and translating forces all the way to the base of your skull through 33 bones of the foot alone.

Do you have?

Pain on the outside of the knee?

Pain on the inside of your knee?

Your groin feels tight and uncomfortable.

The whole circumference of your lower back feels tight and sore?

Your neck - especially when you rotate feels difficult.

Your ankle feels its's not holding you properly and you don't quite trust it.

These are just a few of the areas that can be affecting your daily life and sport.

Tip #5 - Look to understand.

To perceive the meaning of.... grasp the idea - (comprehend).

If you were to start anywhere in the body - knowing your feet and looking after your ankles is in my top 3 of treatment options. Especially when there are global experiences in the body.

Doctor Ida Rolf always said " Where you think it is, it isn't "

I say - it maybe in the ankle. Through your dart there. 91% of adults over the aged of 40 have had an ankle roll of one level or another. It's a logical starting point.


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Sports 1 : 16th - 17th November 2024.

Expand your world and knowledge with the College of Bowen Studies. Join the highly experienced teaching team who literally " walk the walk" in their careers and love to transfer this epxerience to you.

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